Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Two Different Types of Gymnastics

        Gymnastics is a great sport that could get you into the Olympics or could get you a great scholarship to a lot of colleges. Gymnasts most likely know that there are two types of gymnastics other people may not. The two types of gymnastics are USAG or junior olympic and USAIGC. The USAG progam will get you a really good schorlarship or if your good enough a chance to go to the Olympics. USAIGC however will only get you a college scholarship depending on what level you go up to. The USAG progam will also take more of your time and it will be a lot harder to do all of your school work. The big difference between these programs is that the USAG one is more demanding of you and the USAIGC one is less demanding. With the USAIGC program you can not go to the Olympics but you can do the things you like to do. For instance if I was on USAG I would not be able to do soccer but since I am on USAICG I can do soccer with my gymnastics. I am not upset that I can no longer work to go to the Olympics. You might find that surprising because most gymnast work to go to the Olympics. I chose this program because this way I can do all the things I love to do without giving up anything.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Soccer Practice

         Today I had soccer practice. I am lucky that this week I do not have any gymnastics. This is because if I had gymnastics the two sports I do would interfere. This luckily is not going to happen this week. When school starts however I will have some soccer games that end after my gymnastics practice starts. I usually pick to stay at the soccer game and go to practice later. Sometimes I have to go to gymnastics practice and not go to the game. This usually only happens if it is my last practice before a meet but that doesn't usually happen. I love doing both my sports but sometimes they interfere. When they do interfere I have to decide which is best to skip. It helps that I am a follower of God because I know I can rely on Him to help me decide.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Church Day

         Today is Sunday so I am going to church. you might think I'm going because my parents want me to but I'm not. I am going because I love church. During the summer i can go to church every Sunday enless we are on vacation. During the school year however I am not so fortunate. This is becuase some Sundays are when my gymnastic meets are. I reach a problem when it comes to this because I hate missing church but a meet is really important to me. I end up going to the meet because my does spend a lot of money for to do this sport and it's important to the both of us. I still go to church whenever I can. There is even the option of  going to gymnastics on Wednesdays but i don't because I would rather go to my youth group.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Old Gymnastics Floor Routine

      This is my old floor routine when i was first learning it. I picked the music based of my personality when I'm doing gymnastics. The lady in the orange shirt is Katy she came and choreographed my whole routine. This year I believe she is not doing routines anymore. I also have to get a new routine this year. I already have the music but i need the routine still. the reason I need a new routine is because the owner of the gym, Kim, wants everyone to get a new routine every 2 years.

Friday, August 27, 2010

New Blog

     This is my new blog! This is were I will write about things that happen in my life even when my schedule is full of gymnastics. Happy reading.